Brocolli Stir-Fry... via Jaya.
Now!If there is one vegetable I have not learnt to love, it is the brocolli or so I told Jaya when we met on a rare chat on facebook (we usually prefer to talk each others ears off on the phone).Anyways, like most food loving amchigeles we usually drift to each others cooking etc etc.She had cooked Brocolli Upkari that day in question.Brocolli Stir-Fry, to be more universally understood.
The recipe sounded too easy to not be tried and I thought maybe just maybe this will make the inedible edible for me!

1 Big Bunch of brocolli with stems.
2 Tbs olive oil
6-7 cloves of garlic finely minced
2-3 Tbs chilli flakes.
Salt to taste.
Wash and finely cut the brocolli.In a pan heat the oil and fry the garlic till golden brown.Add the chilli flakes.To this add the cut brocolli and reduce heat to low.Sprinkle salt.Cover and steam till done!

Ps: Vary the amount of garlic as needed.We love loads of garlic in our steamed vegetables.
Verdict: It was so good Iam now googling 'Brocolli recipes' among other things!
And Jaya this is one more thing to add to my ever growing list of things to be thankful I have you by my side.Love loads always.
The recipe sounded too easy to not be tried and I thought maybe just maybe this will make the inedible edible for me!

1 Big Bunch of brocolli with stems.
2 Tbs olive oil
6-7 cloves of garlic finely minced
2-3 Tbs chilli flakes.
Salt to taste.
Wash and finely cut the brocolli.In a pan heat the oil and fry the garlic till golden brown.Add the chilli flakes.To this add the cut brocolli and reduce heat to low.Sprinkle salt.Cover and steam till done!
Ps: Vary the amount of garlic as needed.We love loads of garlic in our steamed vegetables.
Verdict: It was so good Iam now googling 'Brocolli recipes' among other things!
And Jaya this is one more thing to add to my ever growing list of things to be thankful I have you by my side.Love loads always.
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