Sanna Polo....Spicy Cabbage-Onion dosa.

I remember this was not exactly my favourite growing up! But then lot of stuff that comes easy isnt! right?
Once we figure, we have to dole out (literally) the stuff ourselves (read that as no mother to cajole us into eating)+ feed a spouse who is equally nostalgic for home food, is when we appreciate the value/taste of good food.
Sanna polo thus goes down in our kitchen as a delicacy.
We ALL love it!
Riya included.
1/2 cup tor daal +1/2 cup rice - soak for atleast 2-3 hrs.
6 roasted red chillies
4 TBs grated coconut
1/2tspn tamarind paste
1 cup cabbage finely shredded.
1 cup onion finely chopped.
salt to taste.
Corianer leaves-chopped
Oil /Pam to fry/roast.
Grind together the dal+rice along with the coconut+chillies.Try to use as LITTLE water as possible to make a rather dry enough paste.To this add salt+tamarind paste.Mix.Add cabbage+_onion+coriander leaves and make a batter.
Heat Tawa/girdle, and put out small size pancakes/dosas with a spoon and flatten out as needed.Add oil/spray Pam as needed and fry both sides unitl crisp.
Can be served with rice as a side, with tea as a snack or like we do in our house every which way! Bon appetite.

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